Liquid Capital: $81,000
Net Worth: $130,000
Franchise Fee: $49,500
Royalty: 6% fee structure (flat percentage fee). 2% add fee structure
Total Investment Range:$106,500-$166,800
Founded: 1997
Started Franchising: 2015
# of Franchises: 61
VetFran Member: Yes (Diversity discount as well)
Color World painting is a one-of-a-kind commercial and residential painting company with a 5-in-1 business model. They provide multiple revenue streams through their ability to provide the services leading up to the painting. They offer state-of-the-art technology which allows them to provide on-the-spot estimates with zero experience required in painting. They have incredible national partnerships with companies like Sherwin Williams, PPG, Property Management and BuyMax to give you the best prices on paint and the best access to resources and employees. They are part of Authority brands giving them countless years of success and resources.
Business Type: Home based or office space
B2B and B2C
Participation Type: Owner-operator, executive model or semi-absentee
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