Liquid Capital: $100,000
Net Worth: $150,000
Franchise Fee: $68,000
Royalty: 8% (flat percentage). 2% add fee structure. Currently a 12-month royalty exemption for new franchisees
Total Investment Range:$68,000-$150,000
Business Model: Home based
Founded: 1997
Started Franchising: 2004
# of Franchises: 250
VetFran Member: Yes
Schooley Mitchell is the largest independent cost reduction consulting firm in North America..They review various business expenses and match them against their database to identify where costs may be reduced. Their fees cpme from a portion of savings identified, so there is no fee if there are no savings. They are a cutting edge opportunity in the world of franchising with a comprehensive training system. Clients love this no-risk business model.
Business Type: Home based
Participation Type: Owner-operator and executive model
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